The study of global health and biological risks has been at the center of my research agenda. I am interested in a broad continuum of biological risks - intentional, accidental, and natural - and how these risks are understood and managed by traditional as well as non-traditional political actors. Through a diverse set of empirical case studies (bioweapons, biotechnologies, biobanks, dual-use research in life sciences, dis-/mis-information about health, and citizen response to the COVID-19 pandemic), I have also explored more conceptual and theoretical questions related to the role of knowledge and expertise in security governance.
- Vorlíček, Dagmar and Jan Daniel (2023) 'Becoming a new European: the politics and practices of Czech biosecurity infrastructures’, in Klimburg-Witjes, Nina and Paul Trauttmansdorff (Eds.) Technopolitics and the Making of Europe: Infrastructures of Security. London: Routledge: 21-40.
- Elbe, Stefan, Dagmar Vorlíček and David Brenner (2023) 'Rebels, Vigilantes, and Mavericks: Heterodox Actors in Global Health Governance', European Journal of International Relations, 29(4), 903-928.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2021) ‘Rethinking the Infodemic: Global Health Security and Information Disorder’, Czech Journal of International Relations, 56 (4): 77-90
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2021) 'Anticipatory Governance in Biobanking: Security and Risk Management in Digital Health', Science and Engineering Ethics, 27(3), 1-18.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2020), ‘Security meets science governance: the EU politics of dual-use research’, in C. Lavallée, R. Csernatoni, A. Calcara (eds), Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance. London: Routledge: 164-176.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2017), ‘Bio(in)security, scientific expertise, and the politics of post-disarmament in the biological weapons regime’, Geoforum, 84: 378-388.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2016) ‘Governing dual-use knowledge: from the politics of responsible science to the ethicalization of security’, Security Dialogue, 47 (4): 310-328.