Special issues
Haddad, Christian, Dagmar Vorlíček and Nina Klimburg-Witjes (2024) 'The Security-Innovation Nexus in (Geo-)Political Imagination', Geopolitics, 29(3), 741–764.
Rychnovská, Dagmar, Maya Pasgaard and Trine Villumsen Berling (2017) ‘Science and security expertise: authority, subjectivity, knowledge’, Geoforum, 84.
Journal articles
Elbe, Stefan, Dagmar Vorlíček and David Brenner (2023) 'Rebels, Vigilantes, and Mavericks: Heterodox Actors in Global Health Governance', European Journal of International Relations, 29(4), 903-928.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2021) 'Anticipatory Governance in Biobanking: Security and Risk Management in Digital Health', Science and Engineering Ethics, 27(3), 1-18.
Evans, Sam W., Matthias Leese and Dagmar Rychnovská (2021) ‘Science, technology, security: Towards critical collaboration’, Social Studies of Science, 51 (2): 189-213.
Krulišová, Kateřina and Dagmar Rychnovská (2020) ‘Jak zkoumat gender v mezinárodní bezpečnosti? Úvod do feministických bezpečnostních studií [How to study gender in international security? An introduction to feminist security studies]’, Mezinárodní vztahy/ Czech Journal of International Relations, 55 (1), 41-61.
Rychnovská, Dagmar and Martin Kohút (2018) ‘The battle for truth: mapping the network of information war experts in the Czech Republic’, New Perspectives, 26 (3): 57-87.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2017) ‘Bio(in)security, scientific expertise, and the politics of post-disarmament in the biological weapons regime’, Geoforum, 84: 378-388.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2016) ‘Governing dual-use knowledge: from the politics of responsible science to the ethicalization of security’, Security Dialogue, 47 (4): 310-328.
Daniel, Jan and Dagmar Rychnovská (2015) ‘Mezinárodní politická sociologie: výzkum praxe bezpečnosti [International Political Sociology: Researching the Practice of Security]’, Mezinárodní vztahy, 50 (1): 26-45.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2015) ‘Transnational Threats and Reformulating Security in the UN’, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 9 (2): 108-127.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2014) ‘Securitization and the power of threat framing', Perspectives, 22 (2): 9-32.
Zakopalová, Dagmar (2011) ‘Towards Cosmopolitan Security Politics? Analysis of Public Discourse on Neutrality in Austria and Ireland’, Perspectives, 19 (1): 49-72.
Zakopalová, Dagmar (2011) ‘Effect of Regionalization on the Allocation of Third-Party Peace Operations’, Obrana a strategie, 11 (1): 32-52.
Book chapters
Vorlíček, Dagmar (forthcoming) 'Science and International Relations: Knowing and making the international’, in de Guevara, B. B. Et al (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Knowledge and Expertise in International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Vorlíček, Dagmar (forthcoming 2025) 'Science and Technology Studies', in Jahn, Beate and Sebastian Schindler (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Vorlíček, Dagmar and Jan Daniel (2023) 'Becoming a new European: the politics and practices of Czech biosecurity infrastructures’, in Klimburg-Witjes, Nina and Paul Trauttmansdorff (Eds.) Infrastructures of Security: Technopolitics and the Making of Europe. London: Routledge: 21-40.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2020) ‘Security meets science governance: the EU politics of dual-use research’, in C. Lavallée, R. Csernatoni, A. Calcara (eds), Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance. London: Routledge: 164-176.
Other articles
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2021) ‘Rethinking the Infodemic: Global Health Security and Information Disorder’, Czech Journal of International Relations, 56 (4): 77-90
Rychnovská, Dagmar and Robert Braun (2019) ‘J. Peter Burgess et al.: Socially responsible innovation in security: critical reflections’, Critical Policy Studies, 13 (3): 366-368.
Rychnovská, Dagmar (2019) ‘Ľubomír Lupták: (Ne)bezpečnosť ako povolanie [(In)security as a vocation]’, Sociologický časopis/ Czech Sociological Review, 55 (1): 111-113.
Daniel, Jan and Dagmar Rychnovská (2015) ‘O mapách, moci a marginalizaci aneb O smyslu mezinárodní politické sociologie v českém výzkumu zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiky [On maps, power, and marginalization and on the meaning of International Political Sociology in the Czech research on foreign and security politics]’, Mezinárodní vztahy, 50 (4): 58-66.